Community Corner

Best Market Donates Food to Storm Victims

Store opened on generator power Friday; milk, orange juice shipment in.

Best Market may have opened its doors to customers on Friday, but the Holmdel grocer was lending a hand to area residents in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Employees sorted through perishables and donated food that would have passed its expiration in a few days to Bolger Middle School in Keansburg, according to Lou Vaccaro, Best Market store manager. The middle school is being used to provide meals to storm victims being housed at Monmouth University.

On Friday at 10 a.m., Best Market opened on generator power. It will remain open until the store runs out of fuel for the generator—likely 4 p.m. or 5 p.m., according to Vaccaro. Employees are searching for more fuel. To control crowds, the market is allowing five people into the store at a time.

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"We have no frozen food or dairy. We got a shipment of milk, orange juice and bananas. We have non-perishables like water and canned tuna," Vaccaro said.

Lighting was limited in the store to conserve the generator power, so employees guided customers through the aisles with battery-charged lanterns.

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The store is accepting debit and credit in addition to cash.

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